All In One Messenger Android

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Shift Sponsored. Shift is the workstation for productive people. Trusted by hundreds of thousands. APK 파일은 Android 앱의 원시 파일이며 Android 패키지 키트를 의미합니다. 모바일 앱 배포 및 설치를 위해 Android 운영 체제에서 사용하는 패키지 파일 형식입니다. 네 가지 간단한 단계에서 사용 방법을 알려 드리겠습니다. All-in-One Messenger 귀하의 전화 번호. All-In-One Messenger app review. The All-In-One Messenger app is a messenger application and works on any Windows, Mac, Linux OS computer. This application helps the user manage multiple messaging.

  1. Android Messenger Online
  2. All In One Messenger App

It's easier than ever to communicate with other people. You can text, call, message, or email, in addition to talking in person or interacting on social media. On top of that, you have social media and business apps to manage. Cineflare – kinetic badges 1 0 2 download free. Trying to keep up with all those different apps gets exhausting.

What you need is a way to do everything in one place. At a glance, you can see if any of your apps have new activity. Consolidating your apps would not only save time, but you'd also be less likely to miss something important. But the process of moving all your apps can be involved. Luckily, we have a handy guide to help get you started.

The Problem with Too Many Apps

If you're used to drifting from one app to the other, you may not realize how it's dragging you down. You have multiple usernames and passwords, for one. Automatic login has made that easier, but you'll need to remember the information eventually. The more apps you have, the more you'll need to jot all that login information down somewhere.

Notifications pose another issue. You're probably getting alerts throughout the day from your many messaging apps. Each time, you have to open the separate app to look at your message. By having everything in one place, just clicking on that notification will take you to your dashboard. While you're there, you can quickly scan to see if anything else needs attention.

If you have multiple email addresses with the same provider, you can also benefit from a software that pulls it all into one place. Instead of logging in and out to switch from one Gmail account to another, you can stay active on both addresses. Just toggle back and forth when you want to check your alternate email addresses.

Of course, there's also the issue of all those apps cluttering up your computer. If your taskbar is crowded with icons, you know what we mean. Using an aggregator for your messaging means you can clean some of that up. It also means you won't have to set all those apps to open at startup, possibly making your computer run better overall.

The Benefit of Consolidating Messaging Apps

There are several reasons to move all your messaging apps to one place. One is the convenience we mentioned above. You can simply manage everything easier if it's all in one place. But this is especially true of your business and personal communications. Being able to catch up on your Facebook messages while also monitoring for new Slack chats can be a great timesaver.

You'll also get everything on your computer. You probably set your smartphone off to the side while you work. That means those Facebook and personal email messages may be lighting up your screen throughout the day, distracting you from your work. Instead of having to switch to your phone when that happens, you can get those notifications on the same computer where you're working.

Find a Good Aggregator

A productivity app like Shift will consolidate all your most-used apps in one place. This includes the many messaging apps you use. You can pull all your email addresses, messaging accounts, and social media platforms into one dashboard, toggling between each of them effortlessly. Tweetspro for twitter v1 1. Instead of a cluttered taskbar at the bottom of your screen, you'll have one icon that takes you to all your most-used apps.

If you use extensions like Grammarly or Boomerang, you can also add those to Shift. You'll get the same functionality you'd have if you were bouncing from app to app. Once you have all the apps you want, you can customize your experience. Set up notifications the way you want them to come through and personalize your dashboard to look the way you prefer.

Messaging Apps Available in Shift

Over the next few hours, pay attention to all the ways you communicate. Check your cell phone as well as any computers you use. Chances are, you'll have email and text, but there are probably a few apps, too. Here are some of the most popular messaging apps in Shift to help you refine your list.

Shift has 1,000's of apps available in the app directory, including:

  • Facebook Messenger – Since it's the top social messaging app, Facebook is probably on your phone. It may even be on the computer you use for work. When your Aunt Mary or Uncle Bob reaches out about the family reunion, chances are it comes through Facebook Messenger. You may even occasionally get a work message that way. But it can be easy to forget to check Facebook Messenger, especially if you don't have notifications on. Combining it can ensure you never miss a message – for better or worse.
  • Instagram - While Instagram messaging has now been combined with Facebook Messenger, a lot of Instagram users don't use Facebook. For many, Instagram is still a main way to message with friends and family, share posts and run business accounts. Social media influencers and meme pages make for interesting content to share and can be easily shared via messages with Instagram.
  • Slack – Texting and instant messaging have long been associated with personal use. But businesses need a way to stay in touch, too. The vast majority of large companies use Slack, with plenty of small businesses choosing it, too. But for many professionals, it's become yet one more app to manage.
  • WhatsApp – Owned by Facebook, WhatsApp has become one of the most popular messaging apps. The app came along at a time when text messaging was expensive. It remains the top alternative to carrier-based texting, also known as SMS. But unlike SMS, it isn't built into device operating systems, so it requires a dedicated app, username, and login.
  • Skype – Skype remains popular for both business and personal use. It's especially useful if your remote team communicates internationally, offering a free, easy way to stay in touch. But getting a message through can be tricky. Both you and the other party need to be online for the message to deliver. An aggregator service will let you add Skype to your dashboard to serve as a reminder to check in.
  • WeChat – While it's not as popular in North America, WeChat has more active users than Facebook Messenger and is the fastest growing messaging app. WeChat is a Chinese messaging and social media app with over 1 billion active users.
  • Discord – Discord is a voice and text chat app designed for the gaming community. With over 250 million users, Discord runs on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, Linux, in web browsers and, of course, in Shift. Many gamers are running multiple Discord accounts that can all be combined in Shift.
  • Telegram – Telegram is a response to users' security concerns with some of the available messaging apps. With Telegram, all messages self-destruct and are encrypted. The cloud-based messaging and VOIP service is fast, free and secure.
  • Google Hangouts – Hangouts is Google's IM service that allows users to instant message or join voice and video calls with one person or a group. Like many of Google's past messaging solutions, Google will shut down the consumer version of Hangouts in June 2020.
  • Microsoft Teams – For those using the Microsoft Office suite in their work environment, Teams is a unified communication and collaboration platform. Microsoft Teams provides a shared workspace where you can chat, meet, share files, and work with business apps.
  • BAND – Whether you have groups of friends, family or teammates, we all have the need to have multiple group messages going at all times. BAND is a free communication app that focuses on secure messaging between groups.
  • Microsoft Teams – For those using the Microsoft Office suite in their work environment, Teams is a unified communication and collaboration platform. Microsoft Teams provides a shared workspace where you can chat, meet, share files, and work with business apps.
  • LinkedIn – Also popular in businesses, LinkedIn's Inbox Messenger is an important tool. Even if you infrequently get messages, it's important to know as soon as one comes in. Forgetting to check LinkedIn for a while could mean you miss an important business opportunity.
  • Gmail – If you're like 44 percent of people living in the U.S., you use Gmail. It may even be your primary email account. Email isn't really a messaging app, but it can help to have it lumped in with all your other communication apps.
  • Outlook – Although Gmail is popular overall, Outlook still rules the business world. If you use Outlook for work, you can move quickly from your work inbox to a personal inbox using an aggregator. Imagine being able to switch from Outlook to Gmail and Yahoo! Mail, then your messenger services without having to open another app.

The right tool will go beyond messaging apps. If your business uses productivity apps like Asana or Monday, you can add those in. As you're checking in with all your projects, you can also click over to your various communication tools to make sure you aren't missing anything. Instead of spending the early part of your morning checking each communication tool your business uses, you'll have everything in one place.

One of the best features of an aggregator, though, is the fact that it lets you know at a glance whether there's anything new to check. You'll also have alerts for each app to let you know immediately when something new is coming in. That will ensure you'll never miss anything.

Add Multiple Accounts of the Same App

After taking stock of your various accounts, consider the multiple accounts you may have on the same app. Many users have multiple Gmail accounts, for instance, and logging out and in can be an involved process. An aggregator eliminates that pain, letting you stay signed in to multiple accounts. Instead of logging out of one account, logging into another, and passing the security check, you can just toggle from one account to another, no password required.

In addition to email, you may have two or more social media accounts, especially on Facebook. You can use Facebook Business Manager to operate your professional pages and profiles alongside your personal profile. Click here to learn how you can use Shift to manage multiple Instagram accounts with one easy desktop app.You likely have more of a need to stay on top of your business messages than those that come through personally, and Shift makes it easy.

How to Combine All of Your Messaging Apps in Shift

Related Video: How to Combine All of Your Messaging Apps in One Place

Try Shift

By pulling your favorite apps into one place, you'll make it easier to stay in touch with everyone. You'll also save time that you can put toward other efforts, like building a successful business or climbing up to the next rung on the career ladder. With the right tools, there's no limit to how productive you can be. Download Shift today to combine all of your messages in one place and streamline your workflow.

Most of us have accounts on more than one social media sites. I mean, let's see. There is Facebook for sharing what you are doing, WhatsApp for coordinating, Slack for business, Telegram for privacy, Discord for gaming, and a few others in between these. Phew! Managing all of them can be chore which is why you need to consider all in one messenger apps right now.

We have talked about all in one messaging apps for Windows and macOS before but today, we will share some apps for smartphone users. After all, we like to do everything while on the move, don't we? While choices are limited, especially for iOS users, there are some really good apps for both Android and iPhone users.

Let's begin.

1. IM+

One of the most popular and oldest all-in-one messaging apps available. In fact, I remember using it back in my BlackBerry days. IM+ supports a number of social media platforms like Instagram, Telegram, Messenger, Twitter, WhatsApp, and more. In fact, I think the current number is well above 15.

Switching between accounts and chats is as easy as switching between tabs. Everything is neatly organized and easily accessible. One key feature is a desktop client which means you don't have to switch your primary account or mess around with different UI when using mobile and desktop version.

Android Messenger Online

Some additional features include UI customizations like dark mode, font type, size, and color, sorting messages, and sleep mode for when you don't want to get disturbed. IM+ is free to use and ad-supported but you can remove them by paying $3.99/monthly. Yes, it comes with a subscription model but pretty much every other business does these days. Big surprise, huh?


  • True push notification
  • Customize UI elements
  • Cross-platform with desktop clients
  • Supports all popular sites/apps


  • Subscription model

Download IM+: Android | iOS

Also Read:How to Schedule WhatsApp Messages on Android and iOS


I like messaging app but not sure if I can say the same for their choice of name (pronounced as ‘plus'). Easy to pronounce but annoying to type. It has a lot going on actually. You can connect with a number of messaging apps like WhatsApp, Telegram and more easily. But what else you can do is share your social profiles using a tag. Say you like or meet someone, share you tag and he/she will have links to all your social media profiles in a single go. Good or bad? You be the judge!

A cool feature is the ability to save useful or important links from multiple social media networks inside a single app. Frankly, you can do it using Pocket or Instapaper as well. Still, useful since you are also using it an all-in-one messenger app. is free to use which makes me wonder how they are going to make money? Maybe a paid plan will follow soon. For now, have fun sharing and discovering tags.


  • Save links
  • Social tags
  • Easy sharing


  • None

Download Android | iOS Breeze 1 6 – simple window manager.

3. All Social Networks

All Social Networks acts as a container to every messenger app that you may be using. The list is pretty robust and long and chances are that you will find what you are looking for here. If you have the app already installed on your phone, tapping on the icon will simply launch the official app. Bummer, but it was designed to be used as a replacement and not a companion.

There are no additional settings like UI customizations that we saw in IM+. On the plus side, it is completely free and ad-supported so I guess you win some, you loose some. For the most part, All Social Networks covers a lot of ground and works really well. A lot of all in one messenger apps tend to be buggy and lag, but not this one. It is fluid and bug-free.


  • Supports all popular sites/apps
  • Very stable mobile client


All In One Messenger App

  • Not cross-platform

Download All Social Networks: Android

4. Splite Browser

Splite is a browser app that's only available on Android OS. As such, you can surf the Internet and access all your social media apps from the same app. That's a neat trick but I am not sure if it is good enough to replace my current favorite: Brave Browser. The app is pretty new in the all in one messenger apps scene but is finding its footing pretty quickly.

Some notable social media sites like Telegram and WhatsApp are missing at the moment, but I am optimistic that these will be included in due time. After all, the app is still in its infancy. There is SnapChat and Facebook among others though. Another really cool feature is the dual browser. That means the screen will be divided in two half's and you can browser two sites or web pages separately together. Very handy during research. Loads really fast too.


All In One Messenger Android
  • Doubles as a browser
  • Dual browsing


  • Telegram and WhatsApp missing
  • Browser needs more work

Download Splite Browser: Android

Also Read:

All in One Messenger Apps

There are a number of messenger apps that you can try to access chat with friends on different platforms from the same menu. As you may have noticed, most apps are available on Android platform. For most people, I would recommend you to use IM+. It is one of the oldest, if not the first, all in one messaging apps to work. It is available on all platforms including Windows and macOS which is a huge plus. The only caveat is that you will need to subscribe to remove ads. You can't get everything in life so there isn't really much to complain.

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